Einar Sebastien
Einar Sebastien
Einar Sebastien
Einar Sebastien

Einar Sebastian is a photographic artist who likes to operate away from the flow of the crowd with no time limits or boundaries. The night is the best part of the day.”-E.Sebastian. Studied from 1988-90 at Academie Voor Bieldende Kunste / Den Haag-Nederlands. Studied from 1992-95 Advertising photography at Grimur Bjarnason-Studio. Lives in Buenos Aires.
Einar Sebastian is a photographic artist who likes to operate away from the flow of the crowd with no time limits or boundaries. The night is the best part of the day.”-E.Sebastian. Studied from 1988-90 at Academie Voor Bieldende Kunste / Den Haag-Nederlands. Studied from 1992-95 Advertising photography at Grimur Bjarnason-Studio. Lives in Buenos Aires.
Einar Sebastian is a photographic artist who likes to operate away from the flow of the crowd with no time limits or boundaries. The night is the best part of the day.”-E.Sebastian. Studied from 1988-90 at Academie Voor Bieldende Kunste / Den Haag-Nederlands. Studied from 1992-95 Advertising photography at Grimur Bjarnason-Studio. Lives in Buenos Aires.
Einar Sebastian is a photographic artist who likes to operate away from the flow of the crowd with no time limits or boundaries. The night is the best part of the day.”-E.Sebastian. Studied from 1988-90 at Academie Voor Bieldende Kunste / Den Haag-Nederlands. Studied from 1992-95 Advertising photography at Grimur Bjarnason-Studio. Lives in Buenos Aires.
Einar Sebastian is a photographic artist who likes to operate away from the flow of the crowd with no time limits or boundaries. The night is the best part of the day.”-E.Sebastian. Studied from 1988-90 at Academie Voor Bieldende Kunste / Den Haag-Nederlands. Studied from 1992-95 Advertising photography at Grimur Bjarnason-Studio. Lives in Buenos Aires.

Exhibitions. Indy Art Festival / 93 Indy Art Festival / 94 Treasure Trove / 95 The Road to Compostela / Solon Islandus / 96 Birting at Gallery Corner / 98 G.C.P. at Kling & Bang / 09 Tango Milonga /Grafik galley / 19 ISO FISL / Korpulfsplace / 19 SIM Art Market / Kirkjuhusid / 20 Images of 2.lives /Ramskram gallery / 21
Exhibitions. Indy Art Festival / 93 Indy Art Festival / 94 Treasure Trove / 95 The Road to Compostela / Solon Islandus / 96 Birting at Gallery Corner / 98 G.C.P. at Kling & Bang / 09 Tango Milonga /Grafik galley / 19 ISO FISL / Korpulfsplace / 19 SIM Art Market / Kirkjuhusid / 20 Images of 2.lives /Ramskram gallery / 21
Exhibitions. Indy Art Festival / 93 Indy Art Festival / 94 Treasure Trove / 95 The Road to Compostela / Solon Islandus / 96 Birting at Gallery Corner / 98 G.C.P. at Kling & Bang / 09 Tango Milonga /Grafik galley / 19 ISO FISL / Korpulfsplace / 19 SIM Art Market / Kirkjuhusid / 20 Images of 2.lives /Ramskram gallery / 21
© 2025 Félag Íslenskra Samtímaljósmyndara. Öll réttindi áskilin.
© 2025 Félag Íslenskra Samtímaljósmyndara. Öll réttindi áskilin.